Tribeca Asset Management pays special attention to the following characteristics when analyzing an investment opportunity:

  • Profitability.
  • Operability.
  • Track record.
  • Recognized brands (branding).
  • Competitiveness.
  • Professional and competent
  • Management team.
  • High quality products and services.



While most of the world's investors are focusing on the East, we are looking South. Our main interests are:

  • Health service and home healthcare providers.

Consumer Markets
  • Products and services with a competitive advantage such as adaptation for emerging markets, cost-efficiency, high quality or the ability to meet unmet demands.

  • These are sectors characterized by large consumer base and high volumes, yet the average transaction amount is low. There are companies in this sector that profitably serve vast sectors of low-income groups.

  • Non-oil companies with special emphasis on power generation.

Media and Communications
  • Companies that can target and meet the demand for media, or that offer the developed world alternative cultural content.

Industrial Goods and Services
  • Companies that offer goods or services with a competitive advantage at international standards.

Luxury Consumer Goods
  • Fashionable brands with international appeal and a potential for exporting.

  • The Fund can invest in sectors beyond those previously described, whenever they are seen to have significant potential, and the companies meet the main characteristics described in our investment policy.


We invest, medium and long term, in companies with a high growth potential, by acquiring all or some of the company's shares. Our team of experienced professionals in areas such as mergers and acquisitions, “turnarounds”, and financial markets, focuses our investments in Colombia and Latin America. Read more about us


Our experienced professionals are experts in crisis management, financial markets, mergers and acquisitions. Read more about team